Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lamb Spam

Nathan is visiting his nan in Australia, who isn't feeling too well, and this post is for her. If she can't have a lamb to cuddle with, at the very least she can see some photos of the adorable boy. As a rule, we don't name our meat animals...but this weekend my friends Emma and Jess farm sat and little lamb is now Phillip. 

This is the first lamb that hasn't had other lambs to jump around with. Last year, the twins came first and then Princess Leah, so they always had playmates. Oprah is still veeeeery pregnant, but no sign of her lamb(s) yet. Little Phillip has decided that the chickens will do as playmates.

Teensy does not approve of being lamb-butted!

Like father, like son (except that son's ramming is cute instead of *RUN!!!*):

Thomas is very interested in the new little guy:

Looking deceptively like a real sheepdog (Amelia was angrily stomping at her to go away):

Also looking deceptively all grown up:

Mr. Saul in all his glory:

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