Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fall Grazing

Three of the 5 eggs (one got..squished) under Squishy have chicks growing in them! We shined a really bright flashlight through a little hole in some cardboard and into the egg ("candling"). It was so cool seeing the veins and eyeball and everything, and seeing the chick move in the egg. If things go well, 3 chicks could hatch on September 20th-21st!

The goats are settling in well. They've stopped calling for their mum all the time and now they call for us to give them more blackberry branches and grain. They're both eating out of our hands already.

The sheep have pretty much eaten all the grass in their paddock and the one behind them. They can't be let out into the 'main' area anymore since they go right through the fences and in with today I brought them with me to water the orchard. There is lots of nice grass in there and they were pretty excited to taste it all. They only tried to eat the pear tree leaves a few times...The goats would demolish a young orchard like that in about 10 minutes!

Maggie getting braver

Our pumpkins are finally turning orange!

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