Monday, July 7, 2014

Some Photos!

I finally unpacked my good camera to take some photos around the farm. 

Grapes in the front yard (planted a few weeks ago):

No hot tub is complete without antler decoration...

Our animal trailer..... yep, those are bags of alpaca wool. This might take some work...

This was the garden area in April. By the time we moved in it was waist - chest high. This is where we pig tilled. 

Now, with our raised beds:

Meat birds are going to the butcher tomorrow - they're looking pretty big and they're gorgeous birds:

We haven't re-assembled the chicken tractor so we decided to let them out to range in an electronetting yard we set up for them. It didn't really hold them in so they're now free ranging (we didn't expect it to hold them too well but it was worth a try - it isn't poultry netting). 

This is a big difference from factory raised broilers:

So far, so good with the newly raised nest boxes. Girls on the ground are waiting their turn for the prized 2 boxes (even though 6 are empty...):

Such naughty goats! They jumped up on the aquaponics grow bed and ate an entire row of kale. 

Adorable little ram lamb :(

Magpie's chicks all grown up. These are the prettiest 2. Little rooster on the left and hen on the right. They're right in between Magpie and Saul sized (makes sense) and you can see the Magpie head feathers combined with Saul's beard and cheek feathers made for quite the look...

This little rooster is so gorgeous:

Maggie looking for trouble:

Happy happy pigs! We moved them into our mossy paddock and are feeding them their grain on top of the moss to encourage them to dig it up. Pig tilling is the best! After they dig it up, we'll lime it in the fall and seed it with grass seed to give the sheep some more pasture. 

Piggies checking out the old alpaca wool on the fence (and hoping for treats!):

Another picture of the amazing feathers on this little rooster:

Caught in the lamb-butting act!!

Zucchinis are forming well - and we don't have that end-rot problem we had last year. 

Time to make some pesto!

The yellow gold nugget tomatoes are the first to ripen again this year:

The garden is looking really good considering how long everything had to stay in pots and how rushed we were preparing the beds:

Kale is a big squished in this bed but I like the smaller kale leaves for salads, anyway:

The main man, Saul - looking at me like I'm going to eat him.

Some hostas in pots in the front yard (all hosta credit goes to Erika - they're so pretty!):

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