Tuesday, May 26, 2015


I promise I will find time for a real update soon, but for now, here is my hammock collie and I having our morning coffee.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Snuggle Buddies

 Our house raspberries are going gangbusters!

What a pretty flock of ducks (one of these things is not like the others). Google actually tells me it is a "safe" of ducks when they're on land and a "raft" when they're in water. Oh google, so handy. 

I would say these sheep have enough to eat... they are enjoying their time at the neighbour's so much that we never hear a peep out of them!

Errr...strange place for a bed, Pips.

 Our big pre-summer house project - new floors in the kitchen and painted cupboards! I love how it looks in there now.