In other parts of the country there are snow storms and we have...spring! Plants are confused, animals are confused, we're confused. I'm going with it!
We let the chicks out when we're outside to supervise. They have a great time running around.
First tentative steps outside...
And they're off! Look at GoZ on the right...Frost is on the left. They're the only ones with names so far.
Miss DoZ and her big booty.
Ducks are so funny. They're very curious about everything we do. A few days ago I opened the front door and they were making their way up the steps. They were probably on their way up to complain about something or not tasty enough, too many chickens, dock too far away...
3 amigos.
Green grass! So nice to see you again.

Rye is taking off.
The swamp that became a puddle that became a pond that became a lake....
What are you guys watching so cautiously?
Farm life.